Just short of 2 weeks ago, the #1 shooter for the PC of 2004 made its debut on the Xbox, and what a game. Half-Life 2 is overall the most beautiful game I've seen on the 4-year-old system sporting an amazing physics system and the most realistic environments ever featured. However despite all that it does well, Half-Life 2 still has some rather odd design decisions that hold it back from being the shooter for the big black box.
Half-Life 2 is set an undetermined amount of time after the ground-braking Half-Life. After defeating Nihilanth, the then apparent mastermind behind the alien invasion of the Black Mesa Research Facility, Gordon Freeman, the game's player character, is hired and placed into stasis awaiting his next assignment by the mysterious Gman. Apparently things didn't turn out well for Earth after the first game, as Gordon awakens on a train bound for City 17, one of the last urban centres of humanity. As Gordon explores his new surroundings, he learns the planet is now under the control of a mysterious, other-dimensional force known as the Combine who have herded humanity into these remaining cities as they rule with an iron fist.
I'm going to get the non-spoiler story comments out of the way first: For those hoping for massive answers or revelations to all the questions left over from Half-Life, you won't find them here. Half-Life 2 essentially answers nothing, with on

Where Half-Life 2 does excel, like its predecessor, is in presentation. Simply a beautiful game to behold. While graphically not the equal of its PC counter-part, Half-Life 2 has the most realistic and detailed en

Audio wise, Half-Life 2 sports excellent and convincing voice acting, as well as great sound effects. Weapons are loud, radio chatter is raspy and garbled, and metal clangs (and dents) when you smack it with your crowbar. I must express great disappointment in the game's music, however. Like it's predecessor and in stark contrast to the ambient music mix of Doom 3 and the beautiful compositions of Halo 2, Half-Life 2's music is distracting, out of place, and kills one's suspension of disbelief that the environments otherwise create almost flawlessly. I often found myself stopping (if I could) once a music track began while I waited it out so I could continue enjoying the game.
Gameplay wise Ha

There are a large variety of enemies to fight in the game, from Headcrabs and Zombies, to Ant Lions, to Combine Civil Protection and Soldiers, you're often fighting something different and unique to each environment which helps keeps things fresh. I must, however, express grave disappointment over the game's AI, most notably for the Combine. The Combine Soldiers are supposed to be the game's "elite" enemies, yet their AI is so bad that, while fun to fight, they are simply push-overs. I would often just blindly charge against groups of Combine Soldiers with guns blazing and slaughter them all, sometimes taking very little damage in the process! Try doing something like that in Halo 2 and you'll be loading a check point very soon. In fact, the only times this strategy didn't work was when there was an environmental difficulty preventing it, or if there was a turret, HK Chopper, or some other over-powered weapon being used against you that would kill you in a matter of se

Seeing as how Half-Life 2 is a game that's portrayed and feels very realistic, I must express criticism over some of it's very unrealistic design decisions. Such as how, though the game's physics and restrictions are so real, Gordon can still carry 11 weapons at once. Or how, despite the fact that he is an MIT grad., he can't figure out how to smack a point blank range enemy with the butt of his weapon (though the Combine Soldiers can do this). Gordon also has a zoom function with his Hazard Suit, yet he's not wearing a helmet. Many of you may complain that I'm simply being overly critical here, and while true that the above doesn't detract from the overall gameplay I found it rather disappointing that this high-profile sequel couldn't incorporate some of the very realistic design innovations featured in the Halo and Call of Duty franchises.
Being a sequel,

When it's all said and done, with about 15 to 20 hours of gameplay, Half-Life 2 is a mixed bag. On one hand, we have the most beautiful and realistic shooter available on the platform, on the other hand, we have a title plagued by some poor and dated design decisions. Despite my criticisms, however Half-Life 2 is a very fun game and I really enjoyed it and look forward to playing it again. When all is said and done though, I don't see how it lives up to all the hype and rave reviews. While certainly not a bad title, Half-Life 2 does not deserve all those high 90's scores that most publications give it.
One last thing I must mention is the one big advantage that Half-Life 2 has on the Xbox over it's PC counterpart: no Steam!!! That vile draconian distribution system that Valve forces you to use on the PC is no where to be found on the Xbox, which means no need to connect online for an offline game, no patches to wait on while they download when all you want to do is play, and no stuttering that's apparently "my hardware's fault." The inclusion of hot-ai..., er, Steam, is the main reason I didn't purchase the PC version of Half-Life 2. Oh, it's also nice that the Xbox version comes on one DVD instead of 5 CD's, has a case instead of cheap CD sleeves, and c

Once all said and done, Half-Life 2 is a title that any Xbox shooter fan should look into, and once released I hope Valve does port Half-Life 2: Aftermath, the upcoming PC Expansion, to either the Xbox or the Xbox 360. Half-Life 2 doesn't live up to it's own praise, however, and despite the amazing physics is no where near as revolutionary as its predecessor. If you can set all this aside and simply enjoy the game for the ride that it is, you will have a great time and be glad you gave Half-Life 2 a run-through.
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