Along with watching a bunch of zombie flicks last week, I also checked out X-Men: The Last Stand. Unfortunately, I missed seeing this one in theatres and since people were telling me it was awful I didn't really care. Now that I've seen it, I can say that the film is by no means as bad as many people told me it was, but it is the lesser of the trilogy.
X-Men: The Last Stand focuses on a new "cure" that has been developed for the mutant gene and while some mutants are overjoyed at being offered the chance to become "normal," others are outraged and essentially launch an all out assault on the cure's developers. This assault is lead by Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants while the X-Men defend not the cure, but the right for one to choose which path they want.
Tied into this storyline is the Dark Phoenix saga. At the end of X2: X-Men United, Jean Grey was believed to have sacrificed herself to save everyone from a massive flood, however it appears she wasn't killed after all. Jean Grey returns and she's a very, very angry woman.
Without giving

One of the great things about the X-Men films is the characters: Their personalities, dynamics, and relations with one another. The loss of exploiting this strength hurts X-Men: The Last Stand, and contributes to a lack of cohession in the two different plot lines. As I watched the film, while I certainly felt the mutant cure plot to be interesting, I really felt the fo

Such a path would have brought a great deal of stronger emotional ties out of the film, and I believe it would have been more well received. As is though, X-Men: The Last Stand is an enjoyable film with some large scale battles and great fight sequences. Just don't expect a masterful conclusion to the trilogy.
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