Last fall, Valve Software released The Orange Box to the PC, Xbox 360, and later the PlayStation 3 to critical acclaim, quickly earning top scores across the board rating it as one of the best titles on all the above platforms.
While that itself is an excellent achievement, the thing about The Orange Box is that it’s a compilation of games, not one game unto itself. For that reason, I personally can not justify reviewing The Orange Box itself, as it’s simply not a fair assessment when compared to other titles that truly are one game only. Thus, I will be reviewing the different titles of The Orange Box individually, rating them on their own merits.
The first title I played from The Orange Box was Half-Life 2: Episode One. My

Having said all that, I’m happy to say that though it‘s not perfect, Half-Life 2: Episode One has redeemed the franchise in my eyes, addressing many of the issues I had with its predecessor.
The great strength of Half-Life’s story was its simplicity. You play as Gordon Freeman, a research scientist in the Black Mesa research facility trying to survive a catastrophic alien invasion. Nice, simple, and effective. Many questions were raised and anticipation for the sequel, for some answers, was high. When Valve finally released Half-Life 2, we got some drivel of a “story” in an alien occupied Earth that made no sense and focused in Gordon running around from point A to B with no realistic motivation what-so-ever. Worst of all, it answered no questions from the original game, and simply raised a bunch more.

So yeah, I approve of the story set up in Half-Life 2: Episode One. I also really enjoyed the level design. The Half-Life series has always featured puzzles, but once again, Half-Life 2 mucked all that up by forcing players to simply use the Gravity Gun to drop bricks or whatever into baskets. Thank you Valve, but I wanted to play a game with Half-Life 2, not a physics tech demo. Once again, Half-Life 2: Episode One brought a lot of the puzzles back to the series’ roots, and focused on tricky situations to open doors, navigate around trip wires, and to actually do more with your environment.
They also seemed to have beefed up the shoddy enemy AI. Half-Life featured excelle

Half-Life 2: Episode One features only two new kinds of enemies, the Zombines, zombified Combine Soldiers who carry grenades, and Stalkers, humans turned slave workers by the Combine, as well as no new weapons, however I can overlook this simply due to the high quality gameplay the title offers over its predecessor.
Another great

From a technical standpoint, the Source engine is showing it’s age, but it still does the trick. Character models look great and offer a full range of facial expressions. The environments are wonderfully detailed, gritty, lived in, and thoroughly smashed up from the civil war, though a bit lacking in texture quality. There’s also great use of HDR lighting everywhere.
Now, being an episode, Half-Life 2: Episode One is the first installment of what

Still, it has done well for setting the stage for more to come. As I mentioned earlier, Valve lost me with Half-Life 2, as they did just about everything wrong in so many key areas of that game. Half-Life 2: Episode One, however, sets the stage for a lot of potential for the remainder of the series, and if Half-Life 2: Episode Two can continue on this level of quality, gameplay, and design, I just might have to take back a lot of those things I've said about Valve over the last few years.
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