In mid-June when I went to pick up my copy of Ghostbusters: The Video Game from Best Buy, I ended up coming back with a Schick Quattro Disposable razor. How exactly did that happen? Well, let's just say that I didn't call before hand and Best Buy was sold out, and there was a promotional both set up across the street giving away free demo disposable razors.
So yeah, that's right. I'm reviewing a razor. And you know what, it sucked.
I usually use Gillette's Sensor Excel (with Sensor 3 blades), and it works just fine, but the Schick Quattro is a razor that you just can't clean very well due to the design of the blade itself. To save a little coin, I like to reuse a disposable blade about 4 times, which I can do with my Sensor Excel, but not so with the Quattro. Already after one shave, the blade was clogged enough that any subsequent shavings required multiple passes, thus defeating the purpose of having 4 blades to minimize strokes in the first place. Still though, I plugged on, and used it for about 3 shaves total, and by the end, well, it was a pain. Literally.
I must admit I wasn't even impressed with the first shave I got from the razor, and I certainly have no desire to switch from my older Gillette model for this fancy, dandy new razor. It even had difficulty getting in those harder to reach areas, specifically right under my nose, which is much less of an issue with my simple Sensor Excel.
So the verdict: Avoid, and make sparing use of even free samples.
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