Every year, Xbox Canada holds their X event in which the media and various community members get to check out the hottest unreleased games coming this holiday season. It's a chance for community members to get to meet one another, to chat with any developers on hand, and to admire cute marketing girls. What? All of you there were going it. Don't lie, I was watching you.
That's because this year, I was lucky enough to score an invite, Juxtapose's first X event, and I learned one very valuable tidbit while I was there: everyone I hadn't met before knew who I was 'cause I look exactly like my Avatar.
Anyway, we all lined up at This is London in the heart of downtown Toronto for the 4:00 pm start to the community event, admiring the fine, luscious curves of the Audi R8 on display in the parking lot, wetting our appetite for a little Forza Motorsport 3 action, and fans of the franchise weren't disappointed but more on that in a minute. Once we were carded, and those of us over 18 given our drink tickets, we were ushered inside, given our swag bag, and we entered the gaming goodness that was X'09.
Now, one thing I want to get off my chest right away is that I was quite excited to check out such epic games as BioShock 2, Mass Effect 2, and to a lesser extent, Aliens vs. Predator, save that none of these games were present, probably due to the fact that they're 2010 releases and not holiday 2009 releases. That was kind of a downer for me, but there was certainly plenty of gaming goodness to be had.
Forza Moto

So I have a confession to make: At this gaming event, I didn't play a single video game. Honest truth. I was going to try South Park Let's Go Tower Defence Play!, but then I got distracted by something and forgot. Quite probably the remembrance that I hadn't used my drink tickets yet, and a CC and Coke was calling me. Then I mingled. For me, the Xbox Canadian community is the best group of gamers I've ever met, and it's great to actually meet everyone in person. From the friends I've met before to those I've met for the first time, it was just an awesome time to kick back, relax, and talk games with some fun-loving, like-minded people.
So while I didn't bother playing anything myself, I watched a few things being p

At 5:00 pm, Sinnix of 360 Prophecy began handing out his awesome Halo 3: ODST prints, autographed and free of charge. He had 100 on hand, and as I understand it the only 100 that will ever be made. A numbered collectors item and truly a work of art. Which all brings me to the rest of the swag. Xbox Canada really outdid themselves here, and I'm really impressed with the quality and the value of the items.
The X'09 r

Without question, X'09 was a great event and an awesome time. It was a pleasur

I'd like to thank Jade, Jaken Bear, Xbox Canada, and their marketing partners for once again organizing an awesome event, and a big thank you to Sinnix for the Halo 3: ODST print that will soon be framed and hanging on my wall. It was a pleasure, and I hope to check out many more events in the future.
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