V for Vendetta was released on DVD a week and a half ago, and I decided to pick up the Single Disc Edition. Now as many of you know, I usually pick up special editions of everything, however after comparing the extras for the V for Vendetta 2-Disc Special Edition, I decided I really didn't feel like watching a bunch of extra "making of" docs, seeing as how my time is becoming more and more limited these days.
For those of you interested in what I thought of the film itself, you can read my theatrical review here, but suffice it to say, if I bought the DVD, I really, really liked it.
I must admit that the Single Disc DVD itself is very bare-bones, basically just the film itself. It ships with just the DVD case, there is no insert sleeve, and the bonus features are next to none. In fact, the only bonus feature is a short, 15 minute documentary about "the making of," which was interesting itself to watch, however I was hoping for at least a trailer or two and perhaps some commentary.
Since I bought the V for Vendetta Single Disc Edition DVD on its first day of sales, I got it for $19.99, and since I've already watched it twice, I've gotten my money's worth. Is it worth your cash at full retail price? In my opinion, being such a strong thematic film and the best film I've seen released to theatres this year, I'd say yes.
If you're hesitant however, rent it or wait for a price drop. In about 3 to 4 months, I expect the Single Disc Edition to drop to around $15.99 to $17.99.
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