Saturday, May 29, 2010

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Official Site Updated

The official site for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II has been updated with some new details, and you can check it all out here.

Well, looks like Starkiller is cloned after all, and seeing how he dies at the end of the original game (with the canonical ending anyway) and cloning is a huge part of Star Wars, I guess this makes sense. It appears that Vader has cloned him to try and create the ultimate Sith warrior, but "Subject 1157," Starkiller's clone's ID, has a different idea. He's gone off in pursuit of his true love, Juno Eclipse, and Vader is in turn hunting him.

Starkiller will be able to wield dual lightsabres this time around, and the game will feature an improved targeting system.

Click on "Subject 1157" on the site's menu to access a "cloning tank" here to play a few little mini-games that unlock some summary videos from the first game.

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