The topic of yesterday's Bungie Weekly Update is the creation of the Halo 3 "Starry Night Commercial," which you can check out here.
The most interesting detail I found is the first paragraph of the article:
"The funniest thing about the reaction to last week’s TV commercial was probably the oft-repeated claim that the CG on the two kids looked super fake. Which is especially amusing given that the kids, and even the clumps of grass around them, were real. It was all filled with real actors in a real studio. The CG doesn’t begin until you see the Chief’s helmet for the first time."
I told people the kids were real, but everyone thought they were CG, and by everyone I mean the Staff since he's the only one I've discussed the commercial with since its release.
The other interesting point I found is this:
"But the idea to show a young child and then jarringly switch to a battle weary soldier came from Tim Stier. By day he's an Art Director at McCann Worldgroup, SF, by night he's a Halo fanatic. We felt this misdirect would allow for people who had no idea who Master Chief was to be able to connect with a more human side of this war,..."
This supports my own belief that one of the kids is the Master Chief when he was a child prior to the Spartan-II program.
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