This past Thursday, I was working my way through Ryan Amusements in BioShock 2 on Hard, and it is proving more challenging than the original on the same difficulty (though no need to use a Vitachamber just yet!). When I was done for the night, I stood up to log out and shut my Xbox 360 down when my Wireless Controller slipped from my hands, turned upside down, and smashed onto the corner of my cocktail table.
I immediately snatched my Controller up and started using it, making sure nothing was damaged. There was a little smudge of brown around the casing of the D-Pad from my table, but it came off okay. The Controller itself seemed to be working fine, all the sticks and buttons worked, so I breathed a sigh of relief. Until I looked at my cocktail table.
Four nice little gouges on its edge where the D-pad hit and the unit bounced. That's the first major damage to this table, just over a year old, and I never would have thought that my Controller could do that. Maybe I can find some kind of a filler, or a repair crayon to try and cover it up, but that mark's there forever now. Adds character, I guess.
The moral of the story: If only the Xbox 360 console itself was as durable as their Controllers.
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