Sunday, August 06, 2006

Civic Holiday Long Weekend

Here in Ontario, the first Monday of August is a stat. holiday entitled Civic Holiday. Now I'll be honest with you: I have no idea why nor do I care, all that matters is it's a long weekend!

To add to the fun, I've taken two vacation days at the end of it, giving me a 5 day weekend in total and I intend to simply chill. Sure, I need to get some stuff prepped for my friend's upcoming wedding, and there's some other crap that needs to be done around the place, but I'm mainly going to watch flicks and play video games while not thinking about work. And eat some chicken with some beer. We like chicken and beer.

1 comment:

Juxtapose said...

You are absoultely correct, Civic Holiday is _not_ a stat holiday and I completely forgot. I still think people should enjoy chicken and beer today though.