To many the answers will vary; it's all subjective. Hell, if you ask me the ultimate beauty is wrapped between two buns... yeah, I'm talking a grilled chicken burger with some lettuce, lots of mayo, and bacon. Everything's better with bacon. But I suppose it's unfair to expect people to achieve the level of beauty that a burger can offer.
Seriously though, what's beauty, what's acceptable? Is beauty the Page 3 girl in the link to the right? Sure is. Is beauty random woman X on the street. Yup. Is beauty your mum, friends, etc. Damn straight. Of course, all this beauty is subjective and measured differently by each person.
Then there's cosmetic surgery. Most every guy I know will do whatever he can to talk his lady out of getting a boob job, I sure would and I'm a boob guy. Why, because it's not natural, it's not who that person is; it's false, a lie. Then of course there's the health risks, but also the confidence factor. Most guys, akin to women, are attracted to confidence, yet when someone has to go get massive surgery just to feel good, I mean people who haven't been in any kind of accident or have any kind of condition, well it tells me they don't have confidence in themselves, and that's ultimately unattractive (no offence to anyone who has had said surgery; you do what you do and I'll say and perceive as I will).
This is all a very interesting topic, and one that can be debated a good bit from many angles.
If you haven't seen Beauty Quest yet and want to check it out, it'll repeat on the following stations and dates:
W Network
- Wednesday, August 24 @ 10:00 PM
The Documentary Channel
- Thursday, August 11 @ 5:00 PM
- Friday August 12 @ 5:00 PM
- Saturday, August 13 @ 7:00 PM