Today I went out and snagged the PlugLink 9650, which let me split my DSL connection through my house's electrical outlets. While I can only have one item online at any one time, this now means that my Xbox 360 is an online console.
So far the unit seems real good and the connection speed is solid, no drop outs or complications, and it was as easy as plugging things into a wall outlet.
From now on, you can check my Xbox Live Profile and see a whole lot of "Juxtapose13 was last seen playing Xbox Dashboard..."
how did u connect this to xbox live with the adaptor???
I needed 2 PlugLinks to do this. One for my modem to connect to, and then another one for my Xbox 360 to connect to. There was no special set up at all, and it works like a direct connection.
You'd also need a third PlugLink for your PC unless you want to swap something back and forth.
If you have a router, you wouldn't need a third pluglink. With routers at about $25, that's a good deal.
That is correct, though I recall Routers being more expensive when I first set everything up.
Was also living at home at the time, and originally planned to take 2 PlugLinks with me when I moved out and to leave 2 with my father.
Ended up setting up a wireless network at my new home, and my father kept all the Pluglinks.
Now my question is have you tried rocking this thing with a more "sophisticated" aka "complex" network. I work in a tech support company, and the first thing re recommend to our customers is to remove these things from the network, kinda desperate here as we live in an apartment and dont trust wifi but want to be able to have a dedicated connection in our bedroom for our ps3 and my file server. any suggestions other then voiding our lease by drilling holes for cat5e or creating network based triping hazzards?
Hi Industrial_Phreak,
I haven't actually, and my original post here is over 4 years old. I actually moved out well over 2 years ago and switched to a wireless set up in a condo apartment.
For wifi, are you worried about some leeching off your connection? Use WPA2 encryption, a strong password, and when you're not using your network turn your modem off. Can't tap into a connection that's not there.
You should also be able to hide your network for added protection.
Good luck!
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