... 'cause you never know what you're going to get! That's right kids, Best Buy's botched up another one of my online orders, which is 2 for 3 in 2007! The last mix up was sending me a French version of the Gears of War: Limited Collector's Edition, while this one is actually to my benefit.
As I mentioned I ordered Prey: Limited Collector's Edition for the PC last weekend. It arrived on Wednesday and all was well. The sleeve had sort of stuck to the metal collector's tin and took a bit of care to get it off without ruining it, but patience persevered there.
Now the tin opens in both the front and the back, so naturally I opened the front first. I was greated to the two collectible pewter figurines, which are a nice nerdy touch. Underneath that is the Art of Prey booklet, which features a lot of nice concept art. Below that is the manual and below that is the French manual.
I couldn't find the game disc, and assumed it must be accessible via the back, which proved correct. I opened the back of the tin to discover the game disc, however I immediately found myself questioning why the PC version of the game would have the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live logos plastered at its top... until it clicked that this actually _is_ the Xbox 360 game disc.
So, I ordered the PC version, received the PC sleeve and manuals, however I got the Xbox 360 game disc. I've confirmed that the actual tin is the same for both the PC and Xbox 360's Collector's Edition, so someone at the packaging facility must have made a simple screw up.
Now, at first I wasn't sure what to think; if this mix up was a good thing or not. I could always take it to Best Buy and exchange it after all, however I decided to weigh the pros and cons of having the Xbox 360 version over what I ordered.
- The game will be in a higher resolution and in wide screen
- I gain Achievements for my Xbox 360 Gamer Profile
- The Xbox 360 version sells for $20.00 more than the PC version I paid for
- No competing with my parents for our home office; I can play whenever I like
- The Xbox 360 version has lesser texture quality
- Less precision aiming with a Controller
- It'll look a bit off in my Xbox game library with its PC version sleeve
In the end, however, I feel the pros outweigh the cons and I'm walking away with a win. Thank you Best Buy!
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