Those monkeys at Valve are at it again. They've pushed the release of Half-Life 2: Episode Two from summer to fall 2007.
Now, call me crazy, but I thought the whole point of this Episodic concept was to deliver content quickly to the public instead of dragging out development time? Not only are people still waiting long per release, but they're waiting for short play experiences and still paying near full retail price.
But that's Valve for you, force feeding swill to the masses and the PC fan boys still eat it up and call it gourmet. I'll certainly check it out to see how the Source Engine's evolved, and if I like it enough perhaps I'll buy it once the price drops to, say $20.00 or $30.00, however there's no way I want to pay full price for a long winded episode when I can rent it.
Besides, Halo 3 will probably hit shelves around the same time, and you know that unlike Valve's games, the next Halo title will be an actual game instead of a glorified tech demo.
In a recent press release I spotted at ActionTrip, they've also revealed the content of the two different versions of the retail release, only one of which will be available on the Xbox 360. You can check out ActionTrip's post here.
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