As I mentioned at the end of this post here, I've been in the mood for a great RPG to play and pass some time with, and to that end I did borrow Fable off the Staff. I rented Fable about a year and a half ago, but I encountered an annoying perma-target lock bug and was also really turned off by the Hero Save system (which I still think is dumb) so much so that I didn't get past the basic childhood training before returning the copy.
Well this time I made it to the end of training and found that, stupid Hero Save system aside, I was quite enjoying myself, and thus decided to use a Future Shop gift card I received for my birthday to buy my own copy. Of course, the original version of Fable is no longer for sale on the Xbox, and only the Platinum Hits version, Fable: The Lost Chapters, is. This of course suits me just fine as Fable: The Lost Chapters is an expanded version of the game with more Quests, Items, Spells, and Emotions for the player to experience. From what I've read it's not enough to warrant a re-purchase for those that have the original game, however for those of us who missed it the first time around, we get to experience a bit more fun.
Not that I really know what's new content and what isn't for obvious reasons. A

Thus far I'm playing as a good Hero, going about my Quests and trying to help people. I'm mainly using the Sword and Lightning Spell, but I'm also fond of archery and want to expand those abilities. I've also been flirting with a lot of townsfolk and and presently trolling for a wife. I'll probably buy a house soon and simply rent it out until I get married and settle a bit.
One thing I'm noticing is that the world of Albion is truly more alive than RPGs I've played in the past. People in towns will stop working and go to bed at night (except the taverns, which are open 24/7), they'll react if you steal stuff, and comment on your deeds as you pass by. People will recognize you, praise you, and laugh at you, all based on how you've been playing the game.
While the sto

Thus far I'm very pleased with Fable: The Lost Chapters, and I'll be typing more about it as I continue my adventure in the world of Albion.
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