That's right kiddies, Time Magazine's web site is reporting on the North American PlayStation 3 launch, and guess what? They're saying it isn't worth it. Here's a snippet from the article:
"Look at what you get. The Playstation 3 is expensive: $500 or $600 bucks, depending on which version you buy, plus $60 for each game. (An Xbox 360 only costs $400 max, and Nintendo's Wii — yep, that name, still funny — is only $250.) For that kind of scratch you want the deluxe treatment, and the PS3 simply doesn't deliver it. It's got some good-looking games, but unless you have a top-notch TV, the difference isn't mind-blowing. (And even if you do have a fancy TV, Sony makes you supply your own HDMI cable. Stingy.) And Sony's launch line-up just isn't that interesting. Almost all the PS3's outstanding games — F.E.A.R., Madden NFL '07, Need for Speed: Carbon, Call of Duty 3 — are available on the Xbox 360, and most (all except F.E.A.R.) are out for the Wii, too. There just isn't the leverage there to make buying a PS3 de rigeur."
Sony's botched up with the PlayStation 3, as the console simply doesn't justify its own cost. I really do think that they'll come in last this console generation unless they do a price drop and shape up quick, otherwise I think Microsoft's got it this round. Heck, the Xbox 360 is the current gen console that I'm getting.
You can check out Time's full article right here.
I am confused, do you agree with the Time article?
And how. I really don't see the worth of the PS3 at this point. That may change in the future, but for now, I think it'd be a large waste of money.
That's what I thought, I wasn't sure if the last paragraph were your thoughts or a continuation of the article, I agree with you in part, right now I don't see much point in it, plus the point is moot since who can actually get one?
I currently have a Xbox and that is good enough for me, but some of the PS3 features look good, so who knows, maybe in 6 months when things calm down, and the reviews from customers start coming in, I may get one,,
Also, like with any new hardware, it's best to wait for a few months at least while bugs are worked out.
Also, whether its hardware is superior to the Xbox 360 or not is ultimately a moot point, what matters is the exclusive titles.
If the PS3 has no good titles that I can only find on that console, why would I shell out the cash for it, and right now I'm not seeing anything of note.
The Xbox 360 on the other hand has Halo 3, Mass Effect, BioShock, Gears of War, Prey, F.E.A.R., Halo Wars and most of the Xbox exclusives through backwards compatibility.
For me, the Xbox 360 caters more to my gaming style and tastes.
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