Sunday, June 03, 2007

More Xbox Support Experiences

As I mentioned in my last update on the continuing saga that has you glued to your seat, I discovered that I could only used the content I purchased from the Xbox Live Marketplace if I was logged into Xbox Live, that I could not use it offline.

I decided to email the rep who called me a few weeks ago regarding this, only to have the email bounce back. I tried a few different variations on the spelling of his last name with no success. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt here and assume that I wrote his email address down wrong, however this means in the near future I'll need to call up Xbox Support *shudder* and see if they can do anything to help me out.

Speaking of Xbox Support, I called them yesterday in regards to that free copy of Perfect Dark Zero, which has yet to arrive. The rep placed me on hold, then once again confirmed my support reference number, and after a little stammering and stuttering told me that it should arrive within 3 to 5 business days, which is what the gent who called me told me when that order was first place 2 weeks ago.

English translation: We never bothered to send the thing yet. Go quality customer service!

Oh, and my DVD drive stuck on me when trying to open yesterday morning. That's the first time it happened since I started playing on the refurbished console, and if it only happens once every two weeks, I can deal unless it truly starts jamming.

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