Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fable: The Lost Chapters Wife Beating

As you all know I've been playing Fable: The Lost Chapters (Xbox) recently, and I've actually been playing it a lot. The game has a lot of very realistic touches (with a sarcastic twist), and I love all the freedom it gives you.

Right now I own a marital home in Southern Bowerstone which I've done up nicely, and I also married the local bar-maid.

Anyway, a few days ago, while liberating a bordello from their cruel master, I accidentally bought 50 beers from a Tavern keeper (lousy lack of a confirmation dialogue box). I'm playing a good Hero character, so aside from a little petty theft, sleeping with one prostitute, and accidentally killing a few wondering Traders who got in the way of my arrows, I've been a pretty nice guy. That said, I decided to save my game and have some fun.

I teleported back to Southern Bowerstone and visited my wife, giving her beer after beer as a present until she was stumbling around the house drunk. I then started punching the snot out of her until she fell flat on the floor, at which point I began kicking her while she was down. I finished the whole affair off by doing the Sexy Hero Pose. After several seconds, she got up and began stumbling about, complaining about how she didn't feel good and needs to give up drinking.

The fact that you can actually do something like that is just bloody hilarious because it's so bad. Actually, one of the only things I heard you couldn't do in the game is kill children, though I haven't tried.

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