For the last while now, various marketing companies have been getting in touch with me, offering to send me free games to review. Up until now, they've either offered to send me titles on platforms I do not own, titles I don't care about, or simply ignored me after I agreed to participate (way to go, marketers!). Looks like that's all changed though.
One company has contacted me regarding the upcoming remake, Alone in the Dark, and I've agreed to review it in exchange for a free copy of the game when its released. Now what I want to make very clear here is that I will be writing an honest review of the game. After playing it, if I think it's a poor game, I will clearly say so and criticise it for its faults just like any other game. They are not paying me, I am only getting a copy of the game itself, and they are expecting me to write an honest review, which is the only way I'd agree to participate.
In addition to getting a free copy of the game, each week I'll be receiving exclusive news about Alone in the Dark to pass on to you, the readers. Apparently, the more I post the more chances I have to win some extra prizes. Again, I want to let you, the reader, know that I will not saturate you with useless information. If the exclusive news they send me is good and worth sharing, I'll post it and if not, I won't. If I happen to win a prize along the way, that's great, but as an independent publication, I intend to keep the quality of my posts to the standards that you've come to expect.
What're you laughing at, I have standards. Really!
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